Recovery ministry, Addiction, Unhoused care and support

Raise up unlikely leaders that come to know God, find freedom, capture their purpose, and are sent out to make a difference in the places where they live, work, play, and learn.
Our Vision:
Our Mission:
We aim to invest in the spiritual development of people in recovery. Our desire is to cultivate the calling of those recovering from the strongholds of addiction, walk them through discipleship, and the spiritual formation process. We will model what it means to live out our faith while in the recovery process. We will provide opportunities for the people in recovery to engage in ministry as they grow more intimate in their relationship with Christ. Our philosophy will be one that closely resembles Jesus’ discipleship model. We will do it while they watch. We will do it with them. They will do it while we watch. Then we will send them out to repeat this process.
Classes held weekly at:
The Salvation Army-Detroit Harbor Light
Mariner’s Inn
Classes led by Minister Reginald Brown
For More Information:
Fill out a card and drop it in the Care Box on Sundays or contact Care/Lay Minister Melanie:
Phone: 313-548-7824