Our Mission

The Well Ministries of Detroit has a missional focus to reach those outside the walls of the church, and within, building relationship equity, engaging in incarnational discipleship by spending unhurried time together demonstrating the transformational love of Christ and investing in the spiritual and economic growth of the under-served and under-represented communities in the city of Detroit.

At The Well, we believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God; it is infallible in that it will not fail to show us our need for a Savior and point us toward the One who can save all. We do not focus on who someone was or what they’ve done before Christ. Rather, we focus on who we all can become through the power of Christ.

With this focus, we encourage people to mirror and align their values with Christ. We invest in economic growth by teaching them financial literacy, small business management and development, and provide access to resources that enhance their lives on every level. But ultimately, The Well lives on a mission to love Christ and love others. To be disciples, who make disciples, who make disciples.